Hike-to-Health 2014: Where’s John?

Newport Hospital & Health Services Foundation friends, John and Jane Floyd, committed John’s 2014 Hiking season to a personal hike-a-thon as a fundraiser for the Healthy Kids Snack Bag program.  The Foundation followed John along his quest to reach or exceed 1,500 miles worth of pledge/donation support. Jane sent daily GPS coordinates and occasional pictures of John along the trail.  As of September 19, 2014, John had completed 1,964 miles!

John Floyd’s personal daily goal was to walk a marathon (26.2 miles) every day he was on the trail.  Although he reached this goal many times along the way, he also faced inclimate weather.  On parts of the Continental Divide Trail, he hiked through desert and blistering heat; along the Pacific Crest Trail, he encountered snow, rain, extreme wind, and hail. Regardless, John hiked knowing that every step he took was to help the NHHS Foundation’s Healthy Kids Snack Bags. John’s 2014 hike is over, but he is still collecting donations for the Foundation. Impressed with John’s accomplishment? Click here for a Hike-to-Health Donation Form!


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