A younger male sitting across from a medical professional having a conversation

Behavioral Health & Counseling Services

There’s no shame in seeking help for your mental health.

Newport Health Center’s licensed clinical social work team provides counseling services for our patients. To connect with one of them, reach out to your primary care provider today. (509) 447-3139

Know when to seek mental health assistance.

If you or another individual are having thoughts of harming yourself or others, or are experiencing a life-threatening situation, call 911. The following organizations can also be contacted for crisis supports:

National Suicide Help Line: 988
Text HOME to 741741 to access the National Crisis Text Line
Pend Oreille County Counseling Services (office hours) 509.447.5651 (After hours) Crisis Line 1.877.266.1818

988 suicide & crisis lifeline 988 suicide & crisis lifeline in spanish

Location & Contact

Newport Health Center
714 W. Pine Street, Building C, Newport, Washington 99156

Monday-Friday (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
*Closed on holidays
After Hours Call Toll Free: 1-800-332-0791

Our Providers

Madison Stewart, LICSW, SUDP
Behavioral Health
Jennifer Stout-Willett, LICSW, SUDP
Behavioral Health