Apply for an Open Position

MPlease read these helpful tips before completing your application…. All of the information you type into the form clears when closing the PDF window. If you want to be able to reference or update a copy of your application, please save a copy to your computer. This also makes it much easier to send by E-Mail. Want to avoid E-Mail? Print a copy and send by mail or fax – or hand deliver to our office. To print a copy: Locate the printer icon in the toolbar above the application form, just above the purple bar. Click this to print a copy from your printer. To save a copy: Locate the floppy disk icon in the same toolbar, directly to the left of the printer icon. Click this to save a copy to your computer. To submit electronically: Open the form using Internet Explorer. Complete the form, and click “Click Here to Submit Application Electronically”. To email attachments: When your email message window with the attached application appears, attach any other files you want to add (resume, certificates, etc). Send your E-mail to [email protected].

Complete and Submit Application (Must Use Internet Explorer)

If you submit your application online and do not receive a confirmation E-mail address from the above address, please call (509) 447-2441 ext. 4503 to ensure that we received your information. You only need to submit one application per year, unless you need to update information. Contact Human Resources when you would like to apply for a posted position. We will route your application to the appropriate manager for review. Best of luck on your job search!